Shok Wave is your weekly new music review of reggae, dancehall, soca, calypso, ska, dub, latin & Spanish reggae, reggae rock and any other Caribbean music. NEW REGGAE RELEASES Danjah […]

Shok Wave is your weekly new music review of reggae, dancehall, soca, calypso, ska, dub, latin & Spanish reggae, reggae rock and any other Caribbean music. NEW REGGAE RELEASES Danjah […]
Shok Wave is a weekly reggae music review of all things reggae including it’s brother Dancehall, it’s cousins Ska & Reggae Rock as well 2nd cousins Soca & Calypso. It’s […]
Shok Wave is your weekly musical look at all things new from the world of Reggae, it includes Dancehall, Reggae Rock, Ska, Soca, Latin & Spanish styled Reggae that we call […]